Opportunity Knocks

They say that luck is just being open to opportunity when it presents itself to you.

I say, that’s great, but opportunity doesn’t always come knocking.  Sometimes you have to go and knock on opportunity’s door – and keep knocking long and loud until it opens for you.

Sometimes you get lucky.  Some times you have to make your own luck.

I did a little of that yesterday.

For some time I’d been putting together an email list that I can use to reach contacts all at once for large notices I wanted to send out.

Also for some time I’ve had a few openings in my coaching practice and have been trying to get the word out that I wanted to do some sample sessions with people to see if there might be a good fit, or otherwise find those who are really into coaching.

I wanted to get ten names of people I could do sample sessions with, and with three weeks of working on it, I’d gotten one.

So, I sent an email to my new mailing list saying I was looking to do some sample sessions.

And I had six interested people within an hour, a total of eight by this morning.

Now, it’s not the ten I’d been looking for, but HOLY COW, eight people’s names in one day is not all that shabby either.

So what’s my point in all this?

Well it’s this.  Sometimes you have to go outside your comfort zone and risk a little in order to move forward.

What was the risk I took?

Using this mailing list.  I was afraid of what people might say getting a “mass mailing” from me.  But of the over 200 people on the list I had only one who said, please take me off this list.


I got eight possible sample sessions (so far) out of it.

I’d say the payoff what worth the risk.

Yet my heart was still pounding like a drum as my finger hovered, poised over that “send” command.

Now I know it was worth it, but when it comes to risks, you really never know.

This could have completely backfired.

BUT it didn’t and that’s just the way risks work.

So the next time you’re tempted to “avoid” doing something because it feels just that little bit too terrifying …

Remember that it is better to have risked and failed than never to have risked at all.

Keep laughing …

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