Coaching is a proven and effective way to get what you want in life … faster.
Whether it be career goals, sought after relationships, better health, more time for the fun stuff, or achieving your grandest of dreams.
Coaching will change your life!
How Does Coaching Work?
Coaching is action oriented, geared to get you DOING the things you need to do to change your life, and BEING the person you really want to be.
Coaching is about self-discovery, finding out MORE about who you are at your core, so you can know without a doubt what you want in life, and what tools you have to achieve it.
Coaching helps you reprogram your life – I believe that there is no such thing as “motivation” merely what you do, and what you want to do but don’t. I help you to “reprogram” your mind and behaviours so you are only doing those things that will bring you success, happiness, and get you what you want in life.
Coaching is about Choice, being aware of your choices and starting to choose differently, because it is only by making different choices that we are able to change.
Coaching helps you see new perspectives, because as Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them“. By looking at your life from a new perspective you are able to break free of limiting beliefs and all the other barriers that are holding you back.
Where I Specialize:
I am willing to coach on any topic that you may bring, but there are certain areas that I have specialized knowledge and experience with:
Lasting Happiness:
For most of us happiness is the ultimate goal, that which we chase after most of our lives! But I’ve discovered it’s not about chasing happiness it’s about being happy now! I’ve studied all the tricks and techniques to increase happiness and now I’m a really happy guy almost all the time. Not bad for someone who suffered from minor depressive episodes for most of his life. If you want to find out what you can do to understand more about happiness and build it into your life, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page.
Taking Control of Your Life:
Taking control starts with our thoughts. It starts with looking at what we think about ourselves and our lives, as well as the choices we make. The really cool part comes when you finally understand that it isn’t reality that matters, but what we think about reality. Our thoughts about ourselves and our lives are what shape our own personal reality. When you realize you can CHANGE those thoughts …that’s when you can really take control in your life.
Life Purpose:
This is very closely linked with happiness. I have a clear, well defined purpose in life. It took me the better part of two years, reading, training, and working with my own coach to find it, but luckily I kept track of all of the different methods I used and now I can help you find your purpose too. If you feel that you are drifting, that you don’t really know what you want, or what this life is all about, Coaching can help you find out.
Uncovering Values:
Values are those things which are most important to you. Knowing what is important in your life helps clarify your decision-making and define goals. Once I had clarified my own values, my entire life came into focus. You too can uncover your values and start to see how they rule your life and how to use that to your advantage.
Defining Strengths, Revealing Passions, and Seeking Your Calling:
What are you good at? What comes naturally? My previous career as a career councillor as well as the many clients I have coached on career choices, have made me an expert in this area. The first step is to know your strengths and how you can use them to get what you want in life. From there, I have developed solid strategies to help you find your passions and turn them into a calling you can pursue with joy.
What You Need
All you need to bring to a session is an open mind and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get what you want in life.
For more information, send me an email at and try a sample session FOR FREE to get a firsthand experience of coaching.
“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a think to be achieved”
~ William Jennings Bryan