Long Time No Post

So …

You know those awkward conversations, when you haven’t seen someone in a while and you don’t really know what to say?


I just looked at my history and … WOW it was 2011 the last time I posted, almost three years ago!

So this is a post to say that I am going to start posting again, fairly regularly (hopefully).

My life has taken a LOT of twists and turns in the last three years and there is a lot of catching up to do, but that will come in bits and pieces because it isn’t the past I want to focus on so much as the future and what I have planned now.

So get yourselves ready, there is a big change coming (at least I think it’s big), in fact it has already started. If you’ve visited the site recently (and had visited before) you’ll notice I’ve changed the look and the content.

That is only the beginning of the “big changes” that are to come.

So here is wishing everyone a Happy 2014 and lots of joy and hope for this year and all those to come!


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