The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Ever hear someone say “today is the first day of the rest of my life!”

Well … of course it is.

Everyday is the first day of the rest of your life.

The question really is, are you going to make the most of today?  Are you going to make today significant?

  • Are you going to laugh until it hurts?
  • Are you going to help someone else for no reason?
  • Are you going to learn something new?
  • Are you going to savour simply being alive?

OR  are you going to keep doing the same things you’ve been doing, that haven’t really worked for your this far and somehow expect that you life is going to change?

Your life won’t change without your intervention, your choice to do something different.

So if you want to make the most of today, if you want to make a change, if you want to start living like there is no tomorrow (instead of thinking you have the rest of your life to do what you need to do), here are a few tips.

1) Take the time today to figure out two things:  What is working for you and what isn’t.  Now chances are there are lots of things you could answer for both of these, but even if you just come up with ONE for each of them, that’s a start.  One thing that is working for you, and one thing that isn’t.

2) Vow to start paying attention to your life and concentrate on bringing out more of (or doing more of) what is working for you, and to stop doing that thing that isn’t working for you.

3) Don’t kick yourself if you make a mistake.  If you forget to do more of that thing that is working for you at some point today, no worries, just remember that it is important and keep working at it.  If you fall back to doing that thing that isn’t working for you, again just keep going and don’t beat yourself up over it.

4) Celebrate your successes.  Even if only small things, even if there is only one thing you can think of – congratulate yourself for a day well lived.  They say not to go to bed angry at your spouse, I say also don’t go to bed angry at yourself for not having lived the day to the fullest.  Instead take a few minutes and come up with all of the things you did well today, all the things you did differently, all the things you succeeded at.

There are any number of activities you can do to change you life, this is simply one of them.  I’m sure to post some more in the following days.  So stay tuned.

And … keep laughing.

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