Laugh Life Day 75

I was the host for my the show my improv. group put on last night and I have to say, it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been a part of.

My favourite line of the night was: ” Quack, quack, quack and Dave and the fish”.

Trust me it only made slightly more sense IN context, but even out of context it’s still nicely absurd and funny.

Yesterday was a good day.  I didn’t let outside events rule how I was feeling.  If something didn’t go my way, I let it go and got back to being happy  just because.  I was in the perfect “flow” of happiness.

Yes, like all of you, I do have not so good days.  As much as I am happy a lot, and probably more than your average person, I do have times when I’m not doing so hot (and you’ve heard about a few of them in these posts).

I think yesterday is my new benchmark.  That is the sort of day I want to be having everyday.

To get analytical for  a moment, yesterday there were several things I did that worked well.

  • I love music, upbeat songs, and yesterday I had one going through my head all day, and I wasn’t afraid to hum it or sing it a little.  It is one of the things that kept me so happy.
  • When something didn’t go my way, like I said, I just let it go and got back to humming, or I went outside for a moment into the sunshine and let that recharge me.
  • I enjoyed and savoured all of the little things that did go well.
  • I was “Active” all day.  I was DOING something, keeping the mind and body busy.  No time to slip into a funk if you’re in action.
  • I was in the moment, not thinking too much about the future or the past, but concentrating on what I was doing NOW.

Now some of these may be results of happiness and some may be causes, but they all helped to make yesterday a good day.

Now I just need to remember all of these things and use them today!

Keep laughing.

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